Employment Supports
Employment Supports
Employment is an important part of our adult lives. We are dedicated to provide supports that are specific to your needs and have adopted a best practices approach to employment services. Employment support is guided by the job seeker to achieve his/her career aspirations. The job seeker receives the same rate of pay and benefits as other employees doing the same job. Individuals with competitive positions receive their paycheques directly from the employer. Job Seekers, employers, direct service providers determine the individualized strategies for providing support that will assist in career enhancement and ultimately facilitate long term satisfaction for the job seeker and the employer. Job Seekers are socially and economically included in community. Job searching is timely and appropriate support is provided to achieve successful employment. Our employment supports are individualized to meet the unique/specific needs of the employer and skills of the job seeker, one person at a time. Our employment supports are as unobtrusive as possible and (may) fade over time by building on community support and social capital. Long-term support is available to all stakeholders to ensure people maintain employment stability and achieve career enhancement. Stakeholders are involved in the evaluation of services and Service provider implements improvements.